The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Oh I got choked up reading about this caring and loving couple. How devoted and patient the husband was to his dear Mary. Very touching.
There is a special place in heaven for all the wonderful loving care providers in the world. This was so illustrative of their giving spirit.
This is a beautifully expressed entry for patience. I loved the caring husband.
So precious! Loved it!
You weren't kidding about the tissues :) I loved the simplicity of it and the tenderness. Beautifully done.
Oh my! This is the picture of the word "devotion". Just beautiful in its description in one day in the life of a care-giver. Lovely!
You were right; definitely a sad, but I can tell you, true read. Sounds like my mom, and he would have been my dad if he'd still been around to take care of her. Every detail made this a great story!
This is the ultimate love story!
Oh, that's wonderful, and convicting in its own gentle way. May God make me more patient like that!
The story of a life time. Wonderful, caring, Loving, Godly story.
When I read about the patience of spouses in situations like that, it convicts me to realize my impatience over such petty things. Thanks for the story!
I had to walk away before I could come back and comment. My mom had a stroke, which left here in about this same condition. None of us were able to take care of her, we were literally scattered all over the country, my stepdad's health wouldn't allow him to do it, so we found a nursing home for her. She spent the next 15 years dependent on strangers for her care. I still feel guilty. I wonder what kind of example I've set for my husband and son, especially as I'm only 2 years younger than mom was when she had her stroke.
The most powerful and beautiful truth in this piece is that this man would never have even thought of the model of "patience" and love he was setting - he was just doing what he could, while he could. Precious picture to hold in my heart. Thank you. :)
I'm sorry, Carole and anyone else. I didn't mean to make you feel guilty. I just pray that I will be patient (like my grandfather) to care for my parents or my husband if I ever need to.
Wow. What an entry! Simply beautiful writing and an even more beautiful message of unconditional love and patience. Superb!
I think I'm speechless, except to say--I love this!!!!! Now I need to go find a tissue.
What a great example of patience that is being demonstrated in this story. I can't even begin to imagine how tough it must be for family members who must take care of elderly or disabled loved ones. God bless each and every one of them!
Oh my, this left me in tears. Magnificent writing and incredible message. Wowzer. Well done.
Oh what love! What devotion! This story brought a tear to my eyes and a lump to my throat. I wrote a story-poem on the devoted love of a man for his alzheimer inflicted wife...Oh how sad when we get locked out of our own memories...Yvonne, you must have written this story from a true experience of someone, perhaps a loved one...So very well told, and oh so true to life...Love in Christ, Helen
I wanted to say that this is beautiful, Vonnie! I love it!
Beautifully written - and lately I am thinking not too far the future unless He comes quickly! The caring and tenderness spoke loudly.