The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Touching! We indeed need time to heal from tragedy and loss before we can engage in healing others again. I am glad this doctor did- she was needed. Two things didn't flow for me- the "she looked tired" left it unclear who "she" was and I wanted to know why the narrator/ doctor was in the park.
Your story gripped and held me to the end. Good job! Love your physician. Wish all doctors were Christian; I've met a few uncaring ones.
A good story--well written.
Wonderful description - very vivid and engaging. You did an exceptional job of drawing the reader in. I was right there every moment. This is wonderful stuff!
You nearly made me cry. I had to reread the part when she started hearing other screams, but that was a minor glitch in a touching story.
Very touching, and beautifully written. I would have liked some indication as to the sex of your narrator--I'll go back and read it again to see if I missed that. Otherwise, very good! I felt your narrator's heartache very poignantly.
wow, that was powerful. Loved the feelings of despair and worthlessness that the doctor feels, and the power of God that can cause the darkness flee because of the light.
A well written/emotion packed, account of how God can work on so many levels of need at one time! Wow! Good work! :)
Any mother who has lost a child can relate to the emotions you write about with such success in this article. Your descriptions are wonderful, the inner struggle this mother/doctor is dealing with very well put. Good job!
Yowsers! Some heavy duty drama and some very good writing. Kept me reading. Excellent job. God bless.
Well, there's not much I can add to the comments here. You did a great job of setting the scene. You showed us so much and I felt I was there. I felt the distractedness of your character and the hopeless emotions coursing through him/her (I suspect her).

Good job.
I liked this very much; it brought a tear to my eye. I found it gripping and believable. I am always suspicious of overly neat endings; I think you avoided the danger, but you might have indicated there would be further struggles ahead for your narrator. Then again, it was a year later, so it wasn't too soon for some healing. Great work!
This is expertly written. It got my attention right away, and held it. I found it very believable that the doctor would answer her calling again, because in not many words, you painted her as very dedicated. Nicely done.
A wrenching, heartbreaking story that ends well. Great read and an excellent write. Tears filled my eyes at the ending; the sign of a great writer...bringing emotion. Kudos!
This touched me--beautifully written.
DAVEY worthy! Nice job.
Oh, Mid, what a powerful piece of writing! You pulled tears right out of my heart with this. Into my private collection of favorites this has to go. Beautifully done.