The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
I LOVE it -but then I'm a sucker for SciFi - can't wait to see how it ends ;)
I loved this! Really held my attention throughout. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one to get caught up in a story and then forced back into reality. :) Great job!
Ahhhh! Just enough Sci-fi with a little eeriness thrown in. What an exciting way to capture how a writer gets immersed on their work! (I would have never known! ;) )

Very creative and effective.
Very interesting story.... perfect way to use "It was a dark and stormy night." :)

This was a very enjoyable read. Your descriptions are wonderful, and I was right there with your characters. Well done.
Wow, I was totally sucked into the story - brilliant writing!
I enjoyed it very much. You definitely created some unique characters. I think many of us can relate to being "pulled back to reality" by family or other obligations. A wonderful story!
Very creative & funny. It proves that writers get totally immersed in their stories and can see and hear and feel everything they are writing. I get that way when I read a good book too - I can't hear anyone even talking to me.
You had me as engrossed as your writer was. Great detail.
Great job! You captured the consuming, hypnotic effect of being lost in a story perfectly. Fun!
Wow, this is extraordinary writing. I'm inspired. Fantastic work!
Wo, really had me going. I do hope you let use in on how the story within a story comes out. Good job.
LOL, we had similar ideas this week...great minds! This was a hoot, and I really enjoyed it--especially the last third or so when reality keeps pushing its way in. And I LOVE that you used the "dark and stormy night." Just top notch entertainment all around.
Very creative, excellent read. Fantastic job.
Ooooh! I LOVED this! It was so 'grab-your-attention-right-there-until-the-end' I was practically on the edge of my seat to see where this would go, the ending was great. Awesome job with this, and the title fits! This was great writing! :)
This I can identify with - I've been there so many times before
I just want to know what happened next....will the boy be okay? Inquiring minds want to know :)
Amy, Amy, Amy! You never cease to amaze me. very, very good. This was refreshinng and crisp. Kept my attention the entire journey. God bless.