The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 2270 times
Member Comments
Very clever and realistic. Great writing.
A very well written speculation of the first and most devastating grab for the unattainable.
Our loss indeed. A battle we still fight often. This story is chilling. Too many favorite points and lines to list here. Our gain comes from realizing the truth in this piece. Fabulous!
LOVE IT! ;) Such an original take on this event - I could see it happening just this way.
Pride goeth before a fall and a haughty spirit before destruction...". You've perfectly illustrated the ultimate act of the "bird in the hand is worth two in the bush". Too bad Satan has still not figured the whole thing out!
The outstanding story you created from the Bible background really made me think about how Lucifer must have worked at persuading others to side with him...and still he does.
I loved this - i think you caught the attitude and character of Lucifer perfectly!
You built the suspense so well, even though the reader knew what would be happening. It was as if I was reading the story for the first time. Well done.
Just one word - WOW
Very creative illustration of the proverb. The dialogue was eerily realistic. Great job with the topic.
I could see Lucifer's arrogance right from the start. Very good writing! He is a prime example of the topic this week.
Wow! Dynnmic! It gave me the chills! There was a time when the angels had a choice, and you described the temptation of Michael well.
You brought these characters to life with their dialogue and descriptive insights. I've often wondered after all these years, why Lucifer hasn't read the end of the book yet. But from your writing I can see how it all got started and it's nice to know there will always be those who stand against him.
Your writing flowed and you showed conflict (red ink) but because of the story itself the conflict was self-evident. Maybe there would have been more drama had Lucifer shown at least a little inner turmoil about what he was proposing. Anyway, I really enjoyed this - you are one tereffic story teller!
Superbly creative!!!
You are truly a gifted writer, unique and creative.
Amazing - and what an excellent example.
Creative, amazing and this is why you are in MASTERS!
Once again I had to go back to figure out HOW you create these characters with so few words. Lucifer was just oily from the get-go. "Smirked", "snickered", "barked" - always love to see what you create. You're a wordsmith with a mighty forge.

[This is also fun to read aloud.]
This is so masterfully written I was drawn into the story beginning with the first paragraph. Excellent!
My first reaction is WOW! This is really good, it brings to life a whole window of story and everything that I never thought too much of! I really like pieces like this that expand on one verse. Great writing! ^_^
Enjoyed you way of sharing the downfall of satan and all who would be puffed up with pride against the Lord.
(Finally. LoL) This is Great!! The verbs you used were perfect and added to the overall--There was no doubt who I was reading about. This is a perfect example of the topic. Super Duper!! :) Hugs!
A chilling introduction and a great use of the topic.
Ooooh! Chilling, gripping...
I like your description "favored one" (that's so amazing to think about). Sometimes I think if we could only see the spiritual battle taking place...then I "rethink" and am glad we can't. Excellent example for this topic! Masterful writing here!
Congrats, Girl!! I knew this one was a winner. My pastor loves it, too. He said, "You get an instant dislike for the character, even before you know who he is, then it becomes obvious and you say, 'Oh, yah, well of course." :-)
"I fear, Lucifer, that the loss will be all of ours to bear."

Another great closing line. How true.
***Congratulations!*** ^_^
Congratulations on your EC, Joanne. Great story.
Oooo, I like this. Congrats on your well-deserved win! Perfect story to use to illistrate the saying--the original story. :-)
Congratulations. You are a superb story teller. Loved it.
I'm glad I finally got to read this. Outstanding Jo-anne. You've really been stretching and getting so-so-so good. One of the tops here. I really enjoyed this. Great dialogue, characterization and reader interst. Gave me goosebumps.
God bless.