The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 2045 times
Member Comments
A terrifying and realistically-portrayed picture of post-partum depression. I'd like to see this expanded; it seemed unrealistic to me that listening to a few minutes of praise music could cancel all her emotional upheaval. (I realize that you were writing with a word limit.) You're a gifted writer; this was hard to read, which means you did it well.
I was wondering where she was heading the whole time--I was holding my breath too. Scary..but so realistic. God bless ya, littlelight
Very realistic writing! I was her one night..(sort of) it was the only night my husband woke up and offered to help..:) You accurately described the depths post partum depression can bring to a woman.Very nice writing.
:I guess this story made an impact more - because of the News stories that we have heard as of late; but it was well written, described things as "they really are" and yes, I was worried what was next?! So kept your readers glued! That's what writing is all about, capturing your audience and keeping them. Very nicely done.
Honestly, I didn't like this one. Not because it wasn't well-written or because it didn't hold my attention; it was and it did. Though the end of it was a happy one, it still made me sick to my stomach. But I'm one in...however many read this. Like I said, it was very well written, held my attention right through til the end, and evoked emotion in the reader which is the hope of all writers is it not? Great job!
I almost held my breath reading this! Having gone through those sleepless nights, I'm so thankful I never experienced that darkness that so many mom's seem to go through. Well done!
You certainly held my attention all the way through. You did a great job with a disturbing yet realistic subject. You do so well every week.
This was probably one of the hardest entries I've read so far because it was so REAL! I alternated between fear and hope, disgust (esp for the hubby!) and empathy. As others have said, you've captured the emotions and despair well. Great writing.
This is sooo difficult to read! Yet it demands attention and should be considered for submission somewhere to help someone see in print what they are feeling inside. May I please suggest a follow up on Jan's comment? Although one horrible incident, and telling her husband she would talk to him in the morning would not prevent further episodes, at least it's a good beginning. Maybe you could indicate somehow. I feel it's worth expanding and can be a tremendous help ais for those experiencing this.
Thank you everybody for all of the wonderful comments on my entry and not so wonderful (sorry Jezz, didn't mean to make anyone feel sick! :) )

A few have commented on the ending now, so I thought I'd let future readers know that I originally had the end slightly different. Somewhere towards the last paragraph I had written that now Emily knew she needed to get help before it was too late, but cut the sentence for the word count.

If I do ever submit this somewhere, I guess I'll need to include that again!

Thanks again for the critiques, keep them coming!

Wow, that was powerful. Not an enjoyable read ;-), but one that could, perhaps, help a lot of poeple. :-) Well done!
It's hard to care for a child when it seems like you are doing it all alone. Lack of sleep combined with post partum depression can make for a volatile combination that only God can control. Very compelling story!
This was a scary read for me; had me glued to my seat. If I had strong feeling for my baby like that; I would know I needed professional help. Your new ending is much better. God Bless, Helen
"she stared down at her precious little leach" Oh no?
Anyway your writing got many emotions, got to be Good writing.
Wow, Deb! Awesome...gripping. My wife and I've had our share of those nights. Vivid writing of the repulsive thoughts that can pop into our heads when we're listening to the evil one pushing us to focus on ourselves. Nice release at the end, too. Good job!
Wow, Debbie, that was some amazing writing! I love the line about her love becoming frozen - that shows that she does love him, and it shows that the depression is a growing thing. Great job!
Congrats Deb on your win! This was great writing!
Ohhhh... As if I wasn't already uh... concerned to have children enough as it is. Although, it specifically says "Children are a blessing" this was oh, so very real. Oh, so very good.
It wasn't difficult to read at all! This was captivating!
I can honestly say that I do understand in every way and could not have written it better myself. It's very frightening when the hormones are on overdrive. While disturbing, it reached me because I have been there too. Great job.
I too would expand this, the ending especially, and maybe pair it with some info about what to do if you suffer from post-partum depression.

Thank you for being so honest with this - these are thoughts that those of us who have had them are afraid to admit. I struggled with this myself, and it wasn't until my kids were older that I finally got some help. I never did anything, they are fine and healthy and very loved, but I felt like there was something very wrong with me. I wish someone had told me that even moms with one kid could feel this way (I have triplets).

I urge you to share this with parenting magazines, particulary those geared toward twins or more. I suffered way too long and wish I'd read something like this to know I wasn't alone, and what exactly I was going through.

Great job!
This was very disturbing and very well written! Disturbing in the graphicness of the subject matter but that doesn't mean it wasn't good - it was really excellent. I strongly echo the suggestion of changing the ending back, maybe putting in a box (separate to the piece) about medical facts - signs of post-natal depression, help lines, the importance of seeing your doctor, what they'd do to help etc etc, and then sending it off to several magazines geared towards women or families.

Congratulations on your win - it is well deserved.
Wonderful story Deb, full of heart and emotion. I can't imagine how terrible it would be to have feelings of hate toward one of my babies. It is rather a too-common problem, however, and you touched on the reality of all the conflicting emotions. I agree with all the others that this should be submitted. God bless you as you continue writing, and congratulations on your well-deserved recognition for this fine piece.
The story wasn't difficult to read at all! A powerful message, and very well written. Good job! :-)