The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Simple, lovely and delightful all at the same time.
Your view of the clouds was so engaging! Enjoyed from start to finish. Thanks!
Great imagery!! Truly a delight to read!
Enjoyed your imaginative creativity. You "stirred my imagination". Since I enjoy watching clouds, anyway, I was captivated by your following description:
Light fluffy villages of clouds
In white were pushed away--
Invasions, usurpations made
By soldier clouds of gray.
Why did I want to enter a poem this week?
Great job. It's perfect in every way. You're cloud references reminded of my last meteorology class. Excellent. God bless.
I could see all the cloud pictures in the sky - especially the soldiers in grey. Great imagery!
I love your use of metaphors in this gorgeous poem! (especially the gray soldier clouds... and the chef sun) Exquisite work, Verna!
"These scenes of beauty wowed us
And stirred imagination,
This sky show’s presentation by
The God of all creation."

Your last stanza speaks so well to me. Clouds are a key to unlock the imagination - free to soar and believe. God's presence keenly observed by simply looking up.

Loved it!
Beautiful! I liked this stanza-

"Chef Sun placed creamy frosting on
A rich vanilla cake,
Heaped high with many layers on
A gleaming china plate."
Simply wonderful!
Lovely, lovely cloud formation imagery! You described them all so well, I could visualize each one. Beautiful and evocative from start to finish!
I live in big sky Alberta, so I know the awesomeness of which you write.

Just such a lovely tribute, Verna. I was going to quote one stanza but I love them all. Great stuff!

The Artist is an artist through you, dear and we are blessed.

Thank you.
This made me laugh! Especially the last line in the first verse with the stratus and nimbus. ^_^ Fun read!
Splendid from first line to last.
Soldier clouds of that thought.
Artist Almighty has blessed you with such talent and heart.

This poem engaged all of the senses, even taste with the reference to frosting. I love to watch the artistry the Almighty Artist creates in the sky above so your poem really hit a sweet spot for me. Absolute talent in every stanza.
As a cloud watching lover, I really appreciated all the creative descriptions, excellent job!
An absolutely lovely poem! Very creative. I could picture this scene very well and it was beautiful.
Such beautiful imagery and vivid imagination shown with this piece. Another delight!