The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
And here's another one who picks out her husband's ties and matches his clothes for him. He's especially fond of white crepe myrtles, not the red one outside our den window. You did a great job of making a humorous essay out of your "affliction," then concluding it with inspiring devotional thoughts.
Great writing. (And, no, it wouldn't help to live in Canada, believe me—lol).
Obviously the Lord blessed you with a sense of humor in order to cope with being color blind. Loved the way you wrapped the ending around the scripture verse. Good work.
I loved reading this. I have a good friend who is color blind, and I have sympathized with his plight. Purple is a bit of a gray area… too funny.
Love the self-deprecating humor, your readable voice, and the non-preachy message.
I must say that I believe we write best from the inside out. This has been my devotional for today. You have done a wonderful job in reminding me of what is awaiting the "faithful." I have copied and pasted your last paragraph into a message for my wife who looks forward to the new life in a world made new.
This is a unique angle for the topic, and one I enjoyed reading. Love that you poked fun at yourself, and loved the ending. Kudos.
Gregory, I understand this well. I'm not color-blind, but I have no sense of smell. I've never smelled anything in my life and was 8 or 10 before I realized I had no clue what other kids were talking about when they could be outside playing and smell what was being cooked for dinner.

This was an unique take on the subject and I enjoyed reading it.

I'd heard of color-blindness, but I had never imagined what it would really be like. I know I'll appreciate all the colors of the seasons even more, now that I've read about your experience! Thanks so much for being willing to describe it so vividly, and meaningfully.
What a great piece of writing. You'll place high with this one! Kudos!