The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Very cute and clever, although I don't know if I'd have got the analogies unless you'd explained them. Yup, a bit slow here...
Brilliant word play. One or two I had to think about... how did you come up with them all? Good writing - as always (if I'm correct in my guess)
Wonderful piece here, filled with cleverness and creativity. Can't wait to find out who wrote this.
I loved this, I'm not very good at word plays like this, but, with the clues, I got these. LOL
You must have had quite a time thinking up all these gifts! Very clever.
LOL Hilarious. I loved it!
So clever. You definitely have a gift for "punnery." Bet this was fun to come up with :)
Please please please
You must teach me how to use words like this. This is funny funny funny.
Did I say funny?
Clever play on words.
This is so clever. I'm glad you helped with the explanations a bit--my brain wasn't getting to some of them. This was a lot of creative thinking.
Very creative, but I needed the Cliff Notes. However, my husband is huge on word play so I know he'll love this. I can't imagine how long this took to write!!
THis was really creative. I loved it. It takes a creative brain to think of all those little 12-days subsitutes.
This is a fun read all the way through. Your creativity shines.
Totally fun. If my husband recruits me to help him with Secret Santa stuff again, I'll have to remember this. Great job!
Fantastically clever word play! I may be being very thick but I'm not quite sure what the last line is supposed to mean.
This was fun to read, I smiled through it. Nice Job! Very creative with the gifts. I too, needed the cliff notes.
Wonderfully creative. Some of the "hints" were a bit out there, but the MC himself admitted to as much. The voice is so natural and your writing is as smooth as silk. :)
Absolutely wonderful piece!
Very it took awhile to think these up!
Well done!
INVENTIVE and creative piece - loved all those gifts.
Extremely clever and well done. Which is the norm in your gift of writing.
What fun! And how long did it take you to come up with all of these little gems? Very cool, Jan!
Creative and wonderful piece of writing.
This was creative and cute. How fun it would to actually do for someone.
The kind of piece I'm drawn to...clever, creative and fun!
Congratulations, dear Jan. You are an example of creative writing for us all!
You're the top!
Priceless! The ending was the best, tied the whole thing together. Beautiful, thanks for being so creative, it gives us all something to work towards ;-)