The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
You've expressed 'hope' very clearly ... enabling the reader to realise that even when there doesn't seem to be much hope, God is still integrally involved in our lives. That He honoured your obedience to those vows, and gave a ray of visible hope on top of it all is wonderful. Thanks for sharing this powerful testimony.
Powerful writing. You made her dilemma feel very real. I loved the penulitmate paragraph: 'When I run out of hope, there is One who will not let me go. One who has plans for me that are good and beyond my wildest imaginings.' What a great truth to know and tell! I spotted a couple of littel typos, but you probably know about them already. Really good.
Wow this sounds like a personal account. What honesty it must have took to write this. Very good writing.
I beleive many, many Chritians will relate and be releaved to see that THEY are not the 'only ones.' AND that there is Hope for the immediate as well as long term. It isn't easy and Satan twists things all around - 'inexorable grip.'

Powerful, realistic truths written to inspire, and it does.
This is really good. You made it so real. Great job.
"Just before the turn off to my home I stopped being in control of the car, it slowed, swung into my road and up my driveway." I was sitting there beside you in that truck! Thank you for sharing such an emotion filled, spiritual journey with all of us. Thank-you for showing us the way to hope, my friend.
Well written, very real story. Good read.
Very touching, gripping the reader. Where would we be without that Blessed Hope? Good writing, great job!
Wow. Thank you, Val. Powerful story.
Thank you for your testimony. It is always difficult to reach into ourselves and speak of hurtful situations - even those that God mends - but it is such a blessing to others, such as myself, to be reminded of His hand and His love. I'm so happy for you and your family. May He continue to lead you in His path.
Wow, excellent testimony! If it is not your own, I'm certain it belongs to many others. This is such an inspiring piece. You poured your heart onto the page. Beautiful.
Nothing like personal testimony to inspire the heart of your reader! Good job. I can identify with both the sunken despair and the redemption of it. :-)