The Official Writing Challenge
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Wow, what a testimony! God has definitely held you through it all!
Oh my goodness...Yes...the LORD was with you all along.

Amen and Amen, thanks for sharing this great witness to how amazing the LORD is.

God Bless~
I like the contrast between poverty and material blessings (sorry you had to experience that.) But even more, I love the comparison between the poverty of material blessings verses the true blessing of knowing Jesus and his presence in your life. Great testimony.
This is a powerful testimony. It's amazing how God prepares us for life. If not for the tough beginnings, you might have had a harder time dealing with the scary stuff. It's pretty awesome how God does things like that, as well as many things we likely miss.
For me the ellipses were a tad bit distracting. Usually they signify a trailing off of words or missing words. I think in most cases, a comma might have been a better choice. If you do use them though, remember that there's no space at beginning and end...instead it should look like that. Punctuation is a tiny thing though. The heart of your story touched my heart, and it made me think about my many blessings. You nailed the topic and delivered a strong Christian message.
What a beautiful way you showed Jesus' presence with you and the wealth of blessing He has brought despite difficult times.
Thanks for sharing this and reminding us that God walks with us in all the difficult times. There are silver linings even in the darker and scarier times in life.
What trials you have been through, and yet you know what real blessings are. If I was a judge, I would give this high marks, especially for the Christian testimony aspects. Nicely done.
This is good. It's tough sometimes to see God in the hard times, but it's clear He's made His presence known to you in the good and the bad times.
It truly is a blessing that you can have such a positive outlook in spite of the pain.
This is such a touching, heartfelt testament to the goodness of God. How He has blessed you and given you hope for the future. Great writing. <3
I do not have words. That was very moving. You are, indeed, blessed.
This was such a well written piece from beginning to end. It certainly seems the more trials we have the greater blessing we receive when we seek our Lord and Savior throughout the journey. Nice piece.
I've been asked if I have written about my life. No book yet. If you want to read more about my journey, I allude to it a lot in my blog. I have a few books in my head. One I plan to call "Joy in the Journey" and tell about my husband's cancer journey. I feel there are those who need to hear that you can have joy and peace as you travel that path. And then the one I've wanted to write for years: "Necessary Journeys". That would be my memoir. Thanks for all the encouragement I've received from Faithwriters.