The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1064 times
Member Comments
Cute, clever and funny. I enjoyed this solid story, and particulary the comments on the "air." Good job.

God Bless~
So well written, cute, witty and comical. I laughed out loud at the “wireless” comment! If this were real, then as now, being famous opens ones self up to all manner of judgmental comments and you showed that so cleverly! Such a fun read—enjoyed!
Your wit in this entry is delightful. Not everyone could write this as you've brought it to your readers. Absolutely delightful!
I can just picture the old '40s style radio announcer getting his interviews with the "man on the street"-- entertaining and really informative in a way that's a lot of fun!
I love it. What a clever, creative idea for this week's topic. I love the author's note comment about "wireless". Good writing, interesting and enjoyable to read. God bless!
Congratulations for ranking 7th in level three! I'm glad I was right in guessing this one was yours. Once before I thought for sure it was yours and made a smart comment (I think I repeated the seriously laughing line that you teased me on before) Happy Dance!
Wait no way! I left you a great comment last week! I'm so sorry you didn't get it. I loved the story and chuckled quite a bit! I wish I could remember everything I said. It was all praise though. Except I didn't get the wireless joke at the end. Hmm I wonder where in cyberspace my comment went. Probably on another entry making the person wonder what I was talking about when I said I didn't get the wireless joke! :)
This story made me laugh so much I had to add it to my favorites. Your puns are groaningly hilarious. You really like to “pun”nish us. And you do a great job of teaching us about Joseph in the midst of all the humor.