Previous Challenge Entry (Level 2 – Intermediate)
Topic: Spam (not the meat) (11/03/11)
TITLE: Mailboxes | Previous Challenge Entry
By Wesley Hesketh
11/07/11 -
There’s so much mail to get through,
Ads trying to sell you something,
Psychic brag as to what they can do.
I look for knowledge that’s out there,
I thought things would really be fair,
Yet most of the time my mailbox,
Overflowing with Spam, which is there.
Even if I try to delete it,
The garbage comes back once again,
It covers a much-needed message,
As I look for my trusted Friend.
Once again I’m disappointed
At some things I think are so wrong.
For Spam roars like a fierce lion
Devourers you as you walk along. *
So I sit here lamenting.
It caused me to lose who I am.
And when it comes to my Father
The devil has plenty of Spam.
No wonder our forces keep dwindling,
People are fearful to what they can say,
But we the few can tell you,
He speaks to you when you pray.
Trust the Lord with your being,
Don’t try to figure Him out,
He will faithfully lead you,
Because that’s what He’s all about. **
He has written instructions,
That will help you see who you are,
He is the Light to your feet,
His lamp is never too far. ***
His mailbox is always open,
He clears the Spam all away,
He is there 24/7,
He wants to hear what you say.
Your hands are his mailboxes,
Cupped they’re full of your fears,
Trust that you can dump them,
His love wipes away all your tears.
These are paraphrased
* 1st peter 5:8
** Proverbs 3:5&6
*** Psalm.119: 105
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Make sure your nouns match your verbs Ex Psychic brag should be Psychic brags or Psychics brag.
You did a splendid job of weaving the scriptures into this piece. Your words were poignant and the references really backed up your message. Nicely done.
Ex. "Cupped, they're full of your fears - "His love wipes away all your tears."
Although you went off track at times, you left the reader with a few spiritual bones to chew on.