The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
I was confused a little by the first paragraph: You start with "He reclined" and then in the same sentence you use "her brother Lazarus." Since we don't have any proper nouns yet, we don't know who these people are, or ever, for a moment, what gender. It's not until the 2nd para. that we "get" the POV of Mary. And I wasn't aware that Lazarus' sister was the same woman who bathed Jesus' feet, but that's probably just me.

All that aside, this is a beautiful piece, which really portrays beautifully her gratitude and adoration. Thanks for writing it!
Yep, it WAS just me! Read your passages, found the connection. Don't know how I've missed that all these years. Thanks!
Everytime I read this story, no matter whose translation, the story moves me. Again, you succeeded at that. Thank you.
I think it's kind of interesting to read other people's thoughts on how this transpired. But I love the story just the same. Thank you for sharing your version. God bless ya, littlelight
Very well written! I enjoyed this!
This visually rich, and I was totally drawn into this. It has always been one of my favourite stories from the bible and the pov was expressed very tenderly. Beautiful. God bless.
What an entrancing,
intimate take on this marvelous Biblical story!
Great take on this Bible story. It's quite a gift to be able to write like this.
I really enjoyed seeing this from the other side of the store :) Very vivid!
I agree that it's a gift to be able to take these well-known Bible stories and make them LIVE! Well done.
This story needs no explaination. Nor does it even need a comment.
You know how I feel about it. A simple word that starts with an "L"
You made this story come alive for me! I agree about the beginning - maybe show POV sooner, perhaps start with, "she watched as he reclined at the table..." or something like that. But that small thing aside, this was a wonderful account of a beautiful biblical event. Well done!
Blessings, Lynda
Bravo! This is beautifully done. You brought a scene from scripture to life in exquisite detail. I love every line.
This piece is another sweet-smelling offering to lay at Jesus' feet. Filled with loving tenderness. Beautiful.
I love how each of the entries written about Mary have been so individual, special and precious. Thanks for making the effort to see things from her POV.
I believe these were two separate events; and in this story they are entertwined which makes it non-biblical...but a beautiful story still; thank you for sharing.
Hi Garnet. I'm just taking a moment to pop in and let you know that you actually did very well in the Fragrance Challenge, making it into the top 30. You ranked 29th overall (out of 145 entries), so that really does deserve a pat on the back. Well done! With love, Deb (Challenge Coordinator)