The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This poem cleverly illustrates the way we can be sidetracked by the "glitzy" and "glamorous" things of life, and completely miss the foundational things that make us solid and stable. Great poetry to describe this topic!
Oh I LOVE this!!! I love the meter, the humor, the truth behind it all! I was tapping my foot the whole time. It's a great piece and I only wish I'd written it!!! Great job!
Excellent rhyme that definitely puts "First things first." I loved it!
So true, excellent lesson, and so much fun to read! Great writing!
Brilliant! On target "topic-wise", rhythm and rhyme is excellent, and your 3-word title points out the message to a "T". Kudos for a great job!
Wow! This is just great! What a delightful poem...humorous, witty, and poignant too...all in one package. So skillfully crafted! Way to go!! :-)
This one made me smile - and is full of wisdom I have come to associate with a certaing FW member. ;) The meter was just right for the piece. Enjoyed this.
I enjoyed your poem First Things First very much and it was a great illustration for the topic.
Wonderful, Verna!
Terrific story in the poem! Gotta do those "stitches" or all is lost indeed.
Oh, what great craftmanship. I'm jealous! Your humor and voice were just perfect. I loved it.
Very cute poem, and with a great message, too. Excellent!
This was so much fun to read and the message is right on target.
This is a gem in every way. You got your message across, and did it with near perfect rhyme and meter. Thumbs up.
I had to chuckle at the elders who were so ready to plump things up, forgetting about the leaky roof! Good job here, I liked the use of two lines, it made it much easier for me to read-lol. Great job! (The title is hilarious when it ties in ^_^ )
There's so much to be enjoyed in this poem; humor, great message,love and the way it ends with the elders agreeing. Perfect!
What a sweet poem, with a great message. Many times we worry about the little things that won't matter if we dont' take care of the big problem first.
Nice take on the topic - an easy flowing and fun read.
What a wonderful, lyrical poem with such a great message. I see God's hand in writing this!
A perfect poem to present priorities for the church! Seek ye first the kingdom of God... Thanks for posting this one!