The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
You have treated us to a larger than life character as we got to know Nick - and what a great legacy he has left (for us to imagine...)
Excellent writing.
Touching...well done.

God bless~
What a great title to a great story. The characters were wonderful, the setting just right and this was incredibly well-written. I like how Nick influenced the men as well as the women. Well done.
This is such a cute story. I especially loved the last part. Very touching. Keep writing!
Congratulations on your 3rd place EC award, Donna.

Nick was certainly a charmer and an interesting MC.
Loved this! And, learned from it. Your descriptions were short and concise, tightly written and quite enjoyable. My mother just recently entered assisted living and this gave me hope as I could totally see her role in this group of characters. She was the one playing the piano and watching the shenanigans going on around her and enjoying it.
Good story. I really liked the way the other guys started behaving like Nick, after he left. Congratulations on EC 3rd!