The Official Writing Challenge
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A lovely story of survival against the odds thanks to the comfort of your 'sissy'.
This was a great story, though a tragic one. My heart broke reading about the abuse the two sisters endured. But it was good that they had each other for comfort. And the hope here is despite the ugly example their parents set for them, they were able to overcome it with love for Christ and love for each other. And as a result they became productive adults. Good work.
So glad God provided the gift and comfort of a special sister in tragic circumstances.
I like the way the relationship between the sisters proved to be a redeeming factor against the remaining, abusive relationships in the home.
Your love for your sister really shines through your writing. I'm so glad you had each other. And despite the sadness of your family life, it seems you've chosen not to dwell on it. I enjoyed reading of the sisters' fun times and rejoiced in their relationship with Christ. Nice work.