The Official Writing Challenge
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good sentiment, but I got a lost trying to find the rythm.
Joy does come in the morning, His love never fails. Good job!
I, too, couldn't get a pace going, but this was a good piece about the fall of man and the consequent grace that was received.
Humm.. A restless night for Adam, after being kicked out of the garden.. ;)
Profound and creative viewpoint! I really felt Adam's amazement; the first human to draw breath, and the first to celebrate grace. Is poetry a new venture for you? If so, you did a creditable job with the imagery and the poetic feel. Keep venturing out!The rhythm and rhyme will come with practice. (If, on the other hand, you were consciously crossbreeding free verse with metered verse, I would suggest you work first on mastering meter and rhyme. This discipline will do wonders for an author's creative prose, too!)
You captured well the pain and joy Adam must have felt. Good job!
You have some very beautiful images here.
Hmmm. Must be something wrong with me. I found the rhythm and saw the story. Great work!
Wonderful truth in this piece. I also found it difficult to stay with the rhythm of the piece. And this caused me to have to focus more on the rhythm than on the message. Still, it is a very nice job.
You captured well, the feeling of the backslider with this verse;
"Oh to stand once more in the presence of my God,
To feel His touch on my lowly heart as I sing."
Haiku is a verse form without rhyme, but poetry nonetheless. Individual words, themselves, ring poetic in my ears. So, when you capture an essence in the words you choose and the phrases you create, to me that is poetry. If you want to take what you have and make it fit the rhyme and meter mold, well you can work on that in a rewrite, if you like. But, I think you have already captured poetic moments in this entry and I appreciate it. I especially liked the last line:
"His only joy in the sinful, the praise they may yet sing."

The disclaimer in your hint meant that I wasn't even looking for rhythm & rhyme, so I was able to enjoy the freestyle poetry. I really liked your phrasing - this was very melodic. I think this is a very admirable effort!
Nice imagery, good protrayal of emotion. Good job.
Good imagery. I enjoyed it.
This is very stirring. You did a wonderful job of recreating the sadness that would follow falling from the ecstasy of walking intimately to the emptiness of walking alone. I love that you didn't leave me there and I found through it all, the hope for joy to come. So the ending for me, was beautiful.
I found this to be beautiful and a chance to touch the pain Adam must have known in what he did against God, I found rythem and a peaceful flow in what you said. Great writing...