The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 697 times
Member Comments
What a clever and fun story. "A merry heart is good medicine."
I smiled and truly enjoyed this entire read. THanks for this. God bless~
Whatever happened to autograph books indeed? You've stirred up some nostalgia here, which recalls some of those sign-offs on the backs of envelopes, like SWALK (sealed with a loving kiss) and YTTDSFATCCSH (Yours till the desert sands freeze and the camels come skating home)
Thanks for a fun read.
Congratulations Wilma! This was such a touching and humorous piece all at the same time. The only autograph book I ever had was one I bought at Disney World, now I have to go and try and hunt it down. I loved all of those crazy 'Roses are Red poems' -- haven't thought about them in years. Loved the two characters in this read. What a sweet line that the MC wants to get better so she can be to someone else what this other gal was being / doing for her. Thanks fort he memories...
Congratulations on ranking 18th overall!