The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
You got me! I suspected something was up, but didn't get it til the end. LOL! Nice.
Nice story. I liked the premise of the story - being taken to court for being too nice! I didn't get it though - the obvious absence of Purple until I googled the last line to find Barney. You presumed that your reader shared the same cultural (?) references.
Fun, fun piece. I am a grandmother so by the last paragraph I understood the plot. We need more fun like this. Thanks for working on this. Good job.
I get it now. Very clever. Enjoyed the court-room bit and the ending. Very good. And yes, good children programming seems to be a dying breed.
I KNEW IT! You either love him or hate him. This was fun!
Would make a great youth skit ... great ending ...
Clever and creative and just enough adult whimsy to make it completely enjoyable. Now, to get that song out of my head!