The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
An interesting story. I’m left wanting to know more. I noticed there was a couple of times you did not use a comma before your dialogue tag, but the dialogue between the two men sounds very real. I hope you will continue to expand on this.
This story haunted me. Beautiful, vivid descriptions--I could see the ragged man on the pier right away and feel his confusion and despair. Also liked descriptions of objects, such the "crumpled" paper.

Great dialogue too--the two characters came alive for me as they conversed!

Would like to see this story lengthened somehow.

Intriguing message--makes one wonder what choices the main character will make.

Good title--it sparked my curiosity!
Enjoyed this article. I would like to see it go on in the telling. Maybe after the challenge, you could tell a little more. Good job.
I like a story that insists I read between the lines. The veiled foreshadowing at the end challenges the reader to decide what happens next. Good Job!