The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Your title caught my attention immediately! A delightful beginning paragraph!
I was disappointed that this was the only mention of the Johnny Micco Tree. I was hoping to read about some of the adventures.
Paragraph 5 is a return to the Johnny Micco Tree but without naming it as such. Its purpose in your life had changed.
There is potential in your reflections. Keep writing!
In my earlier critiques I would point out the misspelling of favorite and neighbor - until I learned that "favourite", etc. IS proper in the UK and down under. So now I don't show my ignorance (smile), I just know from whence these stories originate. This story, for instance, is about a tree I had never heard of - but it still reminded me of games we used to play in my country under trees and in the bushes. A lovely trip down memory lane. It was enjoyable.
With such an intriguing title, I'd have loved to have read more about your adventures in the first clump of trees.

You're a skillful writer!