The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This is brilliant. I really liked how you managed to get so many great messages in without coming off as sounding preachy. That is not easy to do, but having the MC have a personal chat with God was an act of genius.

I noticed just a couple of tiny things. When you start a new paragraph and the same person is speaking, there is no end quote at the end of the paragraph just a beginning quote at the beginning of the new paragraph to let the reader know the same person is still speaking. The other thing is tiny too; okay should be written out or both letters capitalized.

I so enjoyed this piece. You managed to cover so much in such a small word count. Many of these subjects are common things that people really believe. I can't find the words to describe how much I enjoyed this, other than to say it is one of my all times favorites. I also liked the other taking on the word hum which also helped your story be on topic yet still fresh and creative.
A good conversation with God -
I think the spelling you were looking for is "hmmm" or "ummm" to show hesitation.
I liked this. Keep writing.