The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
What a great writer this nine-year-old is already! Thanks for sharing his work! We adults could take a lesson from the message in this piece. Keep writing and I expect to see more from him in the future and maybe becoming a member of FaithWriters??
Nice entry from a nine-year old. I think he will develop into a very skilful writer. Thanks for sharing.
Amazing writing! The piece captures the energy and excitement of a "little man on a mission."
I enjoyed this thoroughly! Tell your nine-year-old that he's definitely got talent!! Would like to read more! Thanks for sharing!
Good job, young man!
nice entry from a greatly talented nine year old. Keep it up and God bless you!! Steve.
Way cool! Keep up the great work!
I'm only just getting a chance to comment on this very special entry. I was acting as a judge for Level 1 for this particular week, and have to say that this entry made my day. It was so sweet and I think the author deserves a pat on the back for entering and actually doing quite well for someone who isn't even ten years old. Thanks for sharing it with us Mom! Love, Deb (Challenge Coordinator)