The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This story is very clever and has me seeing David's years as a shepherd boy in a new light! So, maybe we learn things in our early years that God makes use of later?...or, even a boring job can be used for the glory of God? A good object lesson for teens and adults!
Good story.

I was wondering what the "Swoosh. Swoosh. Swoosh. Wham" was for a while. :o)

I like your ending. :o)

I really like the message of the story!
Sorry about the double comment, but I wanted to add something.

I like the "swoosh, swoosh, shoosh, wham" deal every other sentence because it gives the feel of what life feels like sometimes .... the same thing over and over and over and over.

Even though life may often feel like that, the monotony may be what God is using to sharpen us and to prepare us for what's ahead.

I really like the message and the techniques you used.
Congratulations on your selection of second place! This is a good story; very creative!