The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1009 times
Member Comments
This story was very cute. I even think you could expand on it a bit and make a children's fantasy from it. But I was wondering if you realized there was a word limit of 750 for the contest. You're story is 1300 and that's not including the scripture references. But anyway, I loved the title - that's what caught my attention.
Ooooh! My Favorite!
Thanks for posting.
Dance, dance, dance...! "But you can forever dance with Jesus, and your entire life will be changed." Life with Him is a retreat from the world......

Hi. I want to apologise for going over the word limit. I didn't realise there was one until I had written it! I dont mind if I am disqualified, but I did want people to be able to read it still. Thank you for your comments. Glad you liked it!
Congratulations on your "Music" win. I went back and read some of your other work and decided to comment on this piece - wonderful imagery and drawing in the reader knowing full well it was about Jesus. My favorite line was: “My dear child, I know that you can never dance like me,” said Jedris softly “but you can forever dance with me.”

Thank you. God bless and keep on serving Him through your writing.