The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Very descriptive, sweeping view of the city that keeps us moving along with you.
I gave a contented sigh myself, just having gone to Glasgow with you. I loved the ink-blot comparison.
Such a treasure trove of information. Would love to see Glasgow in person. Wonderful to have a preview through the your eyes. Your writing reflected what must be a bustling city with loads of energy. Thanks!
I really enjoyed exploring Glasgow with you. Your account of your visit, along with your recommendations, could easily fit into a 'Lonely Planet' (or similar) tourist guide book. Great writing!
Lovely moving and engrossing read.

God bless~
What's a weegie?- and your description of your husband "touching roads and buildings tracing the places he had worked and pubs he had been barred from" elicted a big grin!

My husband and I plan to visit Scotland someday, as my Gallaway ancestors came from that lovely country, so your travelogue title caught my attention. I enjoyed your interesting and informative account of Glasgow and hope to include the city when we take our trip to Scotland! My favorite line in your story was "Beginning with a tumble of buildings next to a river, it spread out like ink on blotting paper." Beautiful imagery there! :)
Congratulations on ranking 20th overall! Happy Dance!