The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Wow, what could be more on topic for this wonderful subject. Thank you for the lovely clear reminder of truth from the lives of Hosea and Gomer. What a picture of Extraordinary Love and Grace. Just great.
Extraordinary indeed! Good job on this!
This is one of the most beautiful stories in scripture that shows unconditional love at its best. Nice job of retelling it.
The tale of Hosea and Gomer has always been one of my favorite stories of redemption.
You did a wonderful job capturing its beauty through prose.
What a clear and wonderful reminder of the ultimate meaning of love and grace. It doesn't get any better than that!
This brings tears to me - my first marriage was in shambles, but oh, how I prayed for him to find me and take me home after I had run away . . .
Hosea and Gomer a story that has touched the lives of all who've read it...each and every time. God...who makes all things possible with His enduring grace and love.

Beautiful job.

God bless~
You made my day with this piece. Very nice!

The story of Hosea & Gomer/God and His people, is very special to me in my own relationship with the Lord. There's so much good material in Hosea to poignantly expound God's love and grace! I'm happy you chose it to write about.

Honestly though, I found myself wishing you would have went a bit deeper, by showing Hosea's broken heart over his wife's unfaithfulness, and then his forgiving love with which he pursued her, as the Lord pursues prodigals. And then, ultimately he accepted her back. There's a lot of emotion there to draw from. You did that to some degree, and perhaps it is my own over familiarity with the story, which causes me to say that?

Anyway, you did a wonderful job as is, and I look forward to your next entry!
What a great piece of writing. Even if we set aside the subject matter, the word usage and flow is magnificent.

As for the subject matter, this is not a story I've had the opportunity to use very much over the years since I work in children's ministry

"Mr. Joe? What's a harlot?" Would be typical of the problems I'd face...and the parents - that thought makes me shudder. :)

Anyway, I agree that it is a great story of love and forgiveness and one that gets passed over way too often because too many are afraid to tackle it's controversial theme. But God thought it was worth telling, so maybe we should look as closely as possible, no matter how uncomfortable it makes.

Great job!