The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This is difficult to read because you capture it so well. I have tears streaming down my face. There's no out in this type of a relationship. Chronic pain just draws me into myself not wanting others to be burdened by me, others who don't understand. But the truth is we aren't alone at all, are we?
Your vivid descriptions have totally taken my breath away. There are no words to adequatley respond, except to say you've done an excellent job of writing.
Wow. Awesome way to describe what goes on inside sometimes. Praying for you, friend. :)
This touched me and brought it home to my heart. I have fibromyalgia and I guessed it was a "disorder" of some kind...perhaps only because I have this disorder. I was diagnosed with it 1994...and it is quite an uphill battle.

So...thanks for sharing. My prayers and thoughts are with you, and others who suffer from chronic disorders.

Brilliant depiction and a well-written entry with mesmerizing accuracy.

God bless you~
Can you imagine the ones who suffer from fibromyalgia and an abusive marriage? Scary. You did an awesome job describing the pain. I could certainly relate.
So well-paced and I thought your descriptions and word choices are perfect. What a difficult situation you've put words to. Thank you so much for sharing so that those of us who do not live with chronic can understand others a little better. God bless you!
I also live with chronic pain due to an accident and spinal cord injury. Your article was like reading my very own thoughts put on paper. It is quite hard if not impossible to explain let alone put on paper what chronic pain does to a person, however, you have done an amazing job!
You did a fantastic job of personifying this dreaded disease. I've never dealt with the nightmare of chronic pain, but through writing like this I am able to catch a glimpse through the eyes of those whom it does affect. It reminds me of the deep importance of sympathy and of being that compassionate friend for those who hurt.

Thank you for writing this. I only wish that I could reach through the computer and give you a gentle, enveloping hug. :)

Hope this places high.
I need to be honest and admit a need to ponder on this a lot.

I had problems with the personification, it was almost too well done and I now struggle to separate some of it so that I can see the true effects of the real problem. This was not caused by your writing; it is my failure to understand.

I admit I need to think more about this issue.

My prayers are with you.
Congratulations! HAPPY DANCE!!!!!
This was very well written. I had to read it twice to appreciate what you were saying.

My wife has MS and you captured life with a disability perfectly. We often use the same language to express our frustration with her condition. It is like living with a monster.

Keep writing. You have a gift which you have obviously worked hard at perfecting.
Congrats on your 4th place Editor's Choice! The Monster is defeated by this victory. :)
From one who has struggled with fibro and chronic fatigue for nearly 22 years, thank you. You have put into words what I have been unable to express. It is a lonely disease that few understand. We look perfectly normal and feel rotten every single day.

I believe the fatigue is worse than the pain because then we fight battles of feeling lazy and absolutely worthless. And guilt because we are holding our mates back from doing activities they would like to us to do with them. And then the added battle of depression because we know tomorrow it will be the same.

But praise God! This is only temporary for one day we wil be given new bodies in our heavenly home!
Very well done. The descriptions are vivid and compelling. This is an important treatment of a serious problem for many. Congratulations!
Congratulations. God bless~
Congrats, Amy! I agree with everyone else- you nailed it and I'm so happy for you. Awesome job.
You painted such a vivid picture of a world that's difficult to comprehend, Amy. Praying for an answer for this faceless enemy. God bless.
With you every step of the way. You made the monster very real. Congratulations on your placement.