The Official Writing Challenge
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I have two close female friends that endure their own pains with this. One having made the decision herself and the other - well, her mother made the decision for her. The pain for them is so real. You put this into words well. hard to read, but I'm sure harder to live and re-live. Good job on this. What a difficult subject to tackle in so few words.
Thank you for giving your MC a voice. Her pain has been heard.

Very well-written piece. I like the symbolism of the stones being thrown into the lake.
WOW. WOW. WOW. This gave me goosebumps. Your MC's voice is so authentic--her pain became my pain. Having worked in a pregnancy counseling center, this is a story I heard many times, and you did an excellent, excellent job telling it. Loved your MC's honesty and doubts--so refreshing.
Wow is right. I was really upset reading about the Valium in the Cheerios-just horrible.

It is so easy to pick up our guilt and pain even after throwing it away
Thank you for sharing this.
A difficult subject, which you handled very well.
The more I read of your work the more I am in awe. What a difficult subject and yet I feel there will be someone reading it who will find just the help they've been needing. The one word that screams out at me when I think about abortion/death is "irrevocable." You have managed to portray that thought without even using the word. But for the Christian, stamped across that word of finality in heavy bold block letters is the word "FORGIVEN." Kudos!
I'm sitting in the lunch room at work trying not to cry. This story was so beautiful and terrible and honest that it makes me ache. Wonderfully (and awfully) done!

Your writing inspires me.
You did a beautiful job. Very touching and thought-provoking.
Wow, Chely! Your writing gets better and better. Simply amazing. You are a master with word choices, thoughts, as well as edgy fiction. Exceptional!
This is an unforgettable story. Excellent description of the emotions. Tightly woven with no extraneous, unnecessary words.
Intensely emotional piece that grips the heart strings. So well written, I wanted to reach through my screen and put my arms around the MC!
You did a good job showing the depth of her despondency. Your first and last lines were powerful. Extremely well-written.
Oh, my! I was very touched by this amazing story. Congratulations on you win.
Congratulations on your well-deserved placing!
Congrats, Chely, on your Editor's Choice for this amazing story!
Congrats on your EC win!!
Big Congrats on your 2nd place. So glad to see this piece up there. So very deserving.