The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This is excellent form for your entry, creative placement of words with great meter and rhyme--all-in-all, a great poem
I really like the pattern you use in this poem-wonderful to read aloud! Great wisdom shown-if only I would let the Spirit capture my Impatience from time to time.
Oh, I loved the rhythm, flow, AND message of this! Great poem all around.
So you just "whipped this out" at the last minute, eh? Nice whipping!
A very nice little poem about the reality of impatience.
I love how you started each line with something that impatience does and then ended with a closing line that rhymes with the first. Very clever, and what you were saying about impatience is so very true. It can cause us a lot of problems if we let it.

I appreciate you sharing this.
Especially like the verses with the last lines stating God's promises: "...wisdom blocks, delays,
...peace denies, conceals,
...Jesus sees."

Very nice. :)