The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Wow-powerful messages in a big bundle here. Nicely done. God Bless~
I really enjoyed this, your detail was so vivid, your images so strong, they provoked emotion and the feel of being in the situations with the MC. I liked the ending and now waiting to hear the sound of the trump! Many of us are also waiting for that sound…with great expectations! Good job on this!
Great story with a powerful message. I liked how you got to your point without preaching it. You showed it. Well done. Looking beyond ourselves to care enough about the suffering of others...excellent message.
oooh I loved this! Gave me chill bumps. Amazing how you managed to begin her journey in high school, through to work and depression, to the final hope at the end in such a short space. Masterful.
Jesus enters "the pecking order" and turns it upside down: "the first shall be last," and the "simple will confound the wise."
A great story of hope, purpose, and worth found only in Jesus.
I love your writer's voice! Jesus is the way, the truth and the life! He is always the route out! WOW! Writing just doesn't get much better than this!
You said so much in so few words vividly describing the journey all the way. Your gift of words blessed me.