The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Heehee! So cute for little Billy! I like that he wrote down his lists of things he wanted...and didn't want! That made me laugh especially at the end when he went to sit by the telephone. Cute! ^_^
VERY cute - great job on Billy's voice especially. I REALLY wanna see the blog - and the responses it got. Fun!
Such an enjoyable piece. It made me smile!
What a charming and fun approach to the topic!
Creative idea and good characterization here
I liked the way you showed Billy thinking through the age and changing his mind mid-stream. Very realistic. I was a bit confused about the statement about that's what my brother used to do. For some reason I was under the impression that he was an only child.
Very amusing list of what he wanted his brother to do or not to do, though in reality, a little brother would have given him the opposite! Got a bit confused, though, the story read as though he did not have a brother. I also felt the opening question (about needing a job to get money) was more suited to a pre-schooler. My three year old asked me the same question this morning. I think 8 year olds would already know that.
Loved the optimism of your MC at the end!