Previous Challenge Entry (Level 3 - Advanced)
Topic: MOURNING / MORNING (02/02/23)
TITLE: The Joyful Replacement | Previous Challenge Entry
By Linda Delgado
02/09/23 -
seemed to be a mournful loss.
A loss that rang o’re the world that day,
thinking that Jesus had been put away.
Put away and out of their lives,
when they thought Jesus surely had died.
Although Jesus did die on the cross,
it was finished as He paid a high cost.
The cost that no one else could pay,
paid for all that mournful day.
But wait! What did they see?
The morning had come, and Jesus was free!
Yes, He was freed from the grasp of death,
revealing His True Self instead.
Now every morning when I arise,
I joyfully look up towards the sky.
Knowing that full well, one day,
Jesus will come to take us away!
Take us to our eternal home,
where we’ll see Him on His throne!
Face to face with our Savior and Lord,
replacing our mourning with joy evermore!
Then the virgin will rejoice in the dance,
And the young men and old, together,
For I will turn their mourning into joy
And will comfort them and make them rejoice
after their sorrow.
Jeremiah 31:13 (AMP)
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I am just learning how to write poetry myself so it is difficult for me to critique your meter and flow.
God Bless~