The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
You have a delightful sense of humor from the names right until the very end! It's nice to start the day with a giggle followed by thinking about the truth of your message. Well done!
Well-written, realistic dialogue, strong characters and a timely truth. Without real human contact, we may be more knowledgeable and more aware with our savy tech stuff, but without real human contact we're much more lonely. And less stimulated because iron sharpens iron...just like these gentlemen are doing for each other. Great story!

I love your writing style. Phrases like, ..'cheweing toast around his words..' are so much fun to read.

I also loved the layers: You wrote in dialogue, a conversation, debating various forms of communication, advocating the value of face-to-face, while the characters are simultaneously experiencing that value--priceless!
I loved this! Great humor that fit the story well! I loved the characters and the fact that you had a serious theme but it was told in a fun, light-hearted way.
Great characters! I wanted to see what else they would say. Hope these guys show up somewhere else. Great piece.
I enjoyed your story being told through the eyes of men who convey what so many of us "experienced" souls have come to realize. You said it well with: we’ve created so many ways to communicate that we forgot how to do the very thing that all those contraptions were made for.
Also, love the creativity with your names and descriptions.
This is a funny piece and a realistic approach to our place in a hi-tech world. But lets never stop stugging to maintain some face to face relationships.
Love your wonderful details that really help the reader to visualize this scene.

Jeff's long-ish speech near the middle seems a tad unrealistic; I think this group of friends would have more back-and-forth banter and less speechifying.

All in all, a highly entertaining read.