The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
I liked this. An editor might make some changes and fix some things, but this story has an overriding tone which like the white canvas brings out a meaning for each who see (read) the words.
A nice story, but I'm not quite sure if I "get" the ending. Perhaps I'm dense, but I'll ponder this some more. Good job.
I really enjoyed the descriptions in your story, and you kept me engaged right to the end, but I didn't understand the ending, either. Maybe my heart just isn't soft enough to see it?!
Great dialogue - and I love the idea of painting with the heart AND of the "hidden" painting of Christ's heart. Wonderful.
I'd love to see this one doubled in length, so you could draw out the ending a bit more. The beginning was perfect, very intriguing, and I wanted to hear more from the painted once we discover his blindness.
I really enjoyed this and loved how Ajax saw himself as only a tool in the Master's hand. I could sense from the beginning of the story that he truly seeing with his heart.
I think it's great. You have good story telling skills. Keep writing!