The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Sad testimony, but it sounds like you needed to write it.
How sad! But I think God honors the faithful--after all, He is the most faithful and committed Person ever Himself.
I really like your story as a take on the topic. Whether it is fiction or factual, we can identify with the viewpoint character. What if? questions, we all have them. Knowing that God has a purpose in everything we encounter, we can have peace even with the perplexities. Your characters, dialog, descriptive observations are all first rate.
Here's a winner folks! Very good, only the ending is more of a should of, would of, instead, of it's no use crying or spilt milk. Loved the title, descriptive word choice and the strong storytelling. Good job!
A bittersweet story but right on target, Topic-Wise. Very well written and a super enjoyable read. One little phrase "him and I"...somehow didn't sound right, but I'm no expert. Loved this piece...and keep on writing! Great job!
Congratulations, Angeline, on placing eighth in your level with this piece. Great work!