The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
You have given so much great advice here for people who experience pain and grief. I LOVE your analogy about the container.

Unfortunately, you used the literal example of 'spilt milk' all throughout your piece, and the instructions at the top ask you not to... For the next topic, try to think of something that illustrates the message of the topic without actually mentioning the topic itself. It will help you do much better in the challenge.

Your wisdom and insight into the threshold each of us have for pain is amazing, and I'm so thankful the Lord inspired you to mention it. Keep after it!
I guess I don't have to make the comment again about what the challenge instructions were so I won't go there. Overall the piece was good, but a little stretchy in places to make your point.
I especially like the beginning. Usually it's the child pulling a prank on a parent, but this gave insight to grownups' own inner child. Made me smile, and the rest of the piece had depth and insight. Thanks for writing it.
Can you imagine if the water park was transformed into a milk park? Spilt milk everywhere...on the my towel....and in my hair! Good grief!
But, seriously "there's no use crying" after grief is already spilled...the weeping comes while we're working through it: Thank God He is right there with us, grieving with us...helping us.