The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
May we all have an abundance of 'What's Best' from Him.
An enjoyable read, superb!
Excellent! Powerful character sketch; you did a thorough job of repulsing me! I liked the movement, the sense of action. You made me utterly forget I was critiquing! Top notch writing.
You really drew me in with this powerful story. Good telling.
Great story and I felt like I was there. Read well and pulled me along. Nice job.
Reading this, made me feel as if I stepped out of God's peace into the world's turmoil. Heather's life being one of self-absorbed pride is such a contrast to the abundant peace God offers. A wonderful fast-paced read. Loved it.
Very nice read. I found myself dodging along with Jason. Well done.
It's amazing how you can get us to feel as if we thoroughly know a character, in just 750 words. Poor thing, she's really hateful, isn't she? Very entertaining story.
. . .not only feel a character in 750 words but so quickly too!! I toast to a fellow fast submitter! Excellent job at keeping it real!
You pulled me into the story so easily and kept me to the end. Great job.
What an abundance of bitterness this gal Heather has! This is a great story. My only critique would be to make Trudy less syrupy (that's how she came across to me) and more "fun," showing the joy of the Lord in a dynamite personality that demonstrates two strikes (Trudy's Godliness plus delightful intrigue) against the broken relationship Heather is leaving.
I really enjoyed this read. I've known people like Heather. Run Jason, run!