The Official Writing Challenge
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My mom cried for three hours straight after dropping me off at the dorms for the first time. I'm glad she grabbed the tissues.
Touching and moving. Nicely done. God bless~
Aww this was a real tear-jerker to me. This year all three of my kids entered the next phase of life. One got married, one went to grad school 12 hours away, and the baby graduated high school and is at college about 80 minutes away. I can so relate to this delightful MC whose heart is brimming over with a multitude of emotions and thoughts.You did a grand job of bringing the Holy Spirit into the conversation to ease her hurting heart. This is a delight to read.
This was special! I liked the overall reflective tone and the personal conversation you allowed us to look in on for the MC and herself (and the MC and the Holy Spirit). I enjoyed the note of triumph at the end and the pride she expresses for her son ... and herself. Very well done!
Congratulations for placing 7th in level three!