The Official Writing Challenge
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Cute story about a mom frustrations with a seemingly simple task.

I have to say, I wondered why she chose to put ketchup on the pill, unless she knew her son loved ketchup.

Also, as the story progressed, I imagined Bart must be pretty little, like two or three. I went back and read that he was five. Maybe you have a five year old like Bart, but the behavior of the character you described seemed younger to me. I would have expected Bart to talk and maybe argue verbally with his mother.

I like that the dad got to be the hero. :) Men are too often portrayed as stupid and unnecessary these days, so bravo for that.

Nice job. Keep writing!
I love the beginning line, "Ahhh... Chew!" This story is a lot of fun and a creative take on the topic.
On target and sweet. Good job. Keep writing!
This was so sweet and enjoyable to read. Thank you. I really liked the ending. God Bless~
You did a nice job with this. I still think putting ketchup on the pill is hysterical!
Engaging story. Reminded me of Mary Poppins, A Spoonful of Sugar. Good to see Dad have some sense. I did think the little boy at 5 would have been more verbal? Well done.