The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1327 times
Member Comments
A powerful reminder that we, the Church, need to keep our Swords drawn. The evidence of Satan's opposition surrounds us every day. Thank you for focusing our attention on it.
Loved this! A call to arms! We don't realize the power of one when connected to our Father! Well done!
Out of all the entries I've read, I feel like this one nailed the topic perfectly! You use the idea of an infectious disease but put it in totally different terms. I loved this story. So scary how the devil is out to take down our kids. This is such a reminder that he is working against us every step of the way.
This is a powerful entry with excellent descriptions. Makes a world we can't see a very vivid reality.
love it ! very visual I can see it as a sci fi like film and i love this twist.
This is great! I love this kind of storyline, it puts a fire in my spiritual belly and gets me motivated to pray and fight for souls! Very Frank Peretti-like in style, I would certainly love to read more of this story!
Congratulations for ranking 23rd_ overall.
RuthAnn, I'm going to feature this powerful story on the Fron Page Showcase for the week of August 8. Look for it on the FaithWriters home page--and congratulations!