The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
:wiping away a tear: oh! can't imagine having to do that. I had a friend who was an MK and lived in a boarding school (australia). anyway- I thought you did a good job of telling this story and the dialogue was enough & realistic. I thought it was good. :)
A sad story indeed! Meets the requirements for topic head on; and I learned something new - as I didn't know little children went to boarding schools. I went to one, but I was 14, not 6. Nicely done...thanks for sharing.
Dialogue---PERFECT. It is good writing when it captures the attention of the reader even though they know what is going to happen--VERY VERY well done!!!!!
Wow. Not a very nice suprise for the kids. You all had to be pretty brave. I never thought about missionaries having to leave their kids.
Oh, how sad for all of you and what sacrifices you made for the sake of the gospel. I love your writing, RuthAnn, and I'm very sorry I haven't been reading many of your articles. Sometimes, I skip right to those who have no comments and you are obviously doing well with your writing by all the comments you're receiving! I'll be looking for your entry in the next Challenge! Let me know what your title is. I want to be sure to read it. :)