The Official Writing Challenge
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I think many can identify with your MC this winter. Your article described what a lot of us are discovering...there's always a reason for the glitches in our schedule, and often, God's protecting us. Thanks for sharing what could be a true story for many.
I appreciate your story on how a person had to deal with everyday issues, while also remembering that God has it all in His hands. Good job.
Oh dear this is the most beautiful thing I'd read in a long time. You spoke directly to my heart at a very dark time. I love your last line and am going to write it on my mirror to remind me. You touched me in ways you'll never know. I know not winning can sometimes be discouraging, but don't ever forget, you are battling something way more than a writing contest and you are winning that! The Holy Spirit spoke to me through your words. What a triumph!
I found your story moving and, like Shann, I particularly liked the last sentence. Thank you.