The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Life isn't always pretty, but our God is great and more than able. I enjoyed your story. I've met more than my share of Duanes. Sometimes jail gives then time to hear God's Word and respond. Most duanes are not as fortunate as yours. Thanks for reminding me to pray for the Duanes of our county tonight. You ministered your point well. God Bless!
I loved the beginning of this - and the title too! A great story on perseverance, realistic in that a real change didn't happen overnight, but through faith and prayer, it did happen. Thanks for sharing this!
Duane seemed a hopeless case -but this group kept praying and never gave up; it reminded me of the Seven times Mary slipped back into her old ways...and Jesus never gave up either. Brilliant title.
Your 3rd and 4th paragraphs really spoke to me. Our timing is not God's timing. What has already been accomplished in heaven on my behalf, that I may not see for years? Awesome and wondrous.
Yay! I am tempted to give Duane a standing ovation for his decision, and you for your steadfast commitment to pray for and love Duane. I always enjoy reading your homeless ministry accounts. They are such an encouragement and always touch my heart. Powerful and moving story. Well done!
Excellent writing & touches the heart!
I just love your tone throughout this piece - but especially the "prologue." What an amazing testimony!
like the action and the weaving in of scripture...title good too!
This is great and so true to life. I've know so many people like this and only God can make the difference. God is good.