The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 887 times
Member Comments
Quite a detailed read. Great writing in this right on topic entry.

God bless~
The setting was completely tangible. I was with your MC in the fog hearing those shells crack as they snacked on them. Super work on this bit of fantasy!
Like finding the pearl in the oyster - this is a true jewel . . .
Loving you in and through and because of the Christ, Judi
1 Timothy 3:16 KJV
Very atmospheric material. I hope your boat is a big one, because I reckon every reader is right in there with you.
Brilliant writing.
With your well written descriptive details, this has a splendid aura of mystery. I like how you left the ending open. One of my favorites!
An intriguing story, well told, leaving us with the question: What really happened? Great writing!
Congratulations on ranking 20 overall! Happy Dance!