The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 3152 times
Member Comments
This is so deeply moving and powerful and excellent and inspired, I have tears and goosebumps at the same time. Wow and WOW!
When I got to the end and realized who the "man" was, it struck me in the heart. I re-read it, and I saw it all through the "eyes" of Christ as he hung on the cross. Masterful.
I really enjoyed being led through the scripture with the eyes of the Lord. Thank you for putting so much thought into this story. I found the format very creative. I was spiritually fed by this story.
Wow! Masterfully written. You truly have a gift of taking Biblical stories and crafting challenge entries from them.
Wonderful. There's so much depth in this simple piece..."they said/yet" and Christ's expressions. This is a beautiful piece for Lent.
I love the Bible stories here, tied together by the comments. Wonderful entry.
So powerful! This is perfectly done...and the change from "the man" to "the Man" is subtle and so poignant. Bravo!
Beautiful and convicting. I love the single lines and how they build to finale, adding the punching and bringing conviction. Great job!!!
Whoa, I have goose pimples. Anointed piece. Wow.
It's absolutely phenomenal. Superb job, Joanne...I loved it.
Joanne, this is truly the single lines between each stanza, and the growing realization of who the Man is.

Red Ink--this is lyrical and beautiful, and deserves a lyrical and beautiful title.

Have your church run this in the Good Friday bulletin, perhaps?
Anointed indeed! WOW!
I can't help but see a EC here. So much history, thanks for a great, thought provoking read.
Beautifully written. Powerful and emotional. God Bless.
I'm breathless. This is so good I keep reading it over to make sure I didn't miss a thing! Your title needs a re-think because it's almost like your poem is a a gorgeous, silk designer dress BUT with inexpensive buttons. If this doesn't win first prize, call me. It's so superb I can't begin to tell you, and yes there's no question but that it was inspired. No question at all! I LOVED IT!
Oh, so good! I love it because it is unique, meaningful, and lyrical. Very well done.
I love the layout of this piece. It flows so elegantly. The hair on my arms stood up when I realized who the man was. Wow. I see this making the top 3 this week. I also see this being added to my favorites list right now. :)
Wow! Truly masterful! And yes, share this with your preacher! Must share it!
This is literally a MASTERpiece! Each section of this reads like a drama--showing what happened between each of Christ's last labored breaths. It would make an exceptional Easter play. Wow.
Joanne, it's just wonderful. It HAS to be read again once you figure out who the man is. So Moving.
Joanne---this is a jewel if I ever saw one. Wow. It takes my breath away. Excellent.
Yep, as always you leave me breathless. This is wonderful, as usual. And the woman was impressed.
Awesome Joanne! I was carried away by each scene and emotion. I loved it.
Beautiful Joanne! I wasn't expecting the way it ended. This was certainly from God. So very good. Wonderful!
You bring Bible characters to life with your story-telling and I always look forward to reading your work. But, this has to be my all-time favorite. It's incredible.
This is beautiful! Your title was ok, but I can't think of anything right now that captures all of that. You gave me goosebumps! A truly beautiful piece of writing. I didn't quite see that end coming, though I guessed sort of, at the end and was glad to see I was right. I loved the lines in italics. Really wonderful writing! ^_^
Joanne, this was so beautiful. Very powerful and haunting. It makes me look at myself and wonder how my life looks before God. It really is an awesome piece!
I love everything about this! It is so well thought out and beautifully and poetically written. I wanted to analyze each line between your stanzas.
What an amazing article. I love the reflections from history that the 'Man' contemplates while on the cross.
Funny how we see things...I actually LOVE your title. Just wanted you to know that. Love ya.
5th AND 5th EC!!! Congrats! You're awesome (because you listen to your AWESOME God when He speaks to you!) Great writing girlfriend.
***Congratulations, Joanne!*** Awesome writing! ^_^
Congrats Joanne. This piece amazed me.
Congratulations on your EC, Joanne. This poem is too incredible for words--absolutely amazing.
WOW, Joanne,this is great!
I love how you brought the different stories to mind and Jesus's reactions to them.
You definitely deserved winning. Congratulations!
It takes God's great wisdom to write a lovely piece like this that touches souls of Lord's children. You truly have a close relationship with the Lord. Btw, your blog is very beautiful. Lord's wisdom showers in different colors through your writing. Thank you for your comment on my article. God Bless
Joanne, this is special, lovely, haunting, true, and full of mercy.
I could read this daily as a devotional and never tire of it.