The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1901 times
Member Comments
A touching and beautiful love story! In God's timing and His design, a great message to be taken to heart.
What a lovely story! , Even though you are working from a different cultural standpoint, there is an excellent lesson here about the importance of trusting God to put all the pieces of a relationship together. Good work.
Wow! The title caught my attention and drew me into the piece. I'm so glad there are other South Asian Christian writers out there, especially one who has a talent for weaving God and culture into a wonderful story.
Very lovely story. I felt it had a bit more telling than showing, and I didn't get sucked into the emotions quite as much as I wished, but otherwise great job.
I SO wanted to write something like this...but you did a great job! I love the hindi phrases and the names especially. You did a good job of weaving in and out of a different but very beautiful culture. I wished there had been a little more (can you tell I really enjoyed this?) though you brought it to a satisfying ending. Can't think of anything to improve. ^_^
The title made me curious, and I was so glad I read it. What a beautiful story. I loved Karam's trust in the Lord. Excellent!