The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Thank you for the concise and clear reminder that we are to become more absorbed with God than ourselves.
What if everyone who posted in Challenge entries also commented on/critiqued at least three others? I'm shocked that so many post, and so few read and post a review for others. It seems only a few people have the courtesy to critique but would like the critiques on their own. I am new here, and originally was excited about this site. If you are one who DOES regularly read and comment on others work, then may the Lord bless you mightily and publish you quickly.
You make several good points and interesting observations. I would suggest that before you write your piece you make an outline of the points you are considering including and then aim to have a connection between the opening and closing paragraphs. Decide how you want to end your piece, and that may help you decide where to begin it. This is a good piece but with thought-out shaping, it could be even better.
This is an outstanding piece. For me the opening was a tad slow. I might have considered starting off with the part about Billy Graham and then bring the ending full-circle with your last line. That part about his interview drew me. I know I've read a good story when it makes me think about my life. You definitely did that. Your points are great, and the message profound. Congratulations on your EC. Happy Dance.