The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
What an lovely portrait of a very special dog! I chuckled while reading about the cat hunts, wanting an example (and this despite my being a cat lover--indoor, I must add). In terms of coherent flow of ideas, I would suggest flip-flopping the third and fourth paragraphs. That just seems to make more sense to me since the third paragraph is about a highpoint of your bonding while the fourth paragraph reverses focus to deal with the development of the bonding. Oh, I also laughed aloud at the twist of phrase where Buddy was walking all over you and hasn't stopped.
You showed your title very well in your story's content. I enjoyed the humor.
I love this story. Dogs (animals) in heaven? I don't know. I hope so. Please read my true story "Cutie Pie" - perhaps, just perhaps.

Haven't see anything from you for a few months - keep writing and God bless.