The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This is a great beginning. I enjoyed it a lot. I think you tried to put too much story into such a limited word count. I've made that mistake more than I care to admit. Tightening up some of it might help leave more words for descriptions later. For example, I might suggest an edit like this:
Lori, a merperson had lived an interesting life transitioning from surface dwelling to aquatic living. One day after a fierce storm, she was removing debris when she spotted something protruding from the seabed. Carefully, she dug around it until she finally discovered an ancient scroll.
It's not perfect, but a quick example to show how you can combine parts and leave more words to tell your story. I only point this out because I'm so eager to read more about this fascinating family under the sea. You have a great foundation with a fresh take on the topic. The ending is good and made me smile. I really enjoyed this and look forward to more fantasy stories like this.
I also thought it quite clever that Eesirahp is Pharisee backwards and would love to see more clues like that sprinkled throughout the story. It's a great way to add some tongue-in-cheek humor too!
Very imaginative storytelling. I enjoyed it.